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Learn about our Achilles tendon and patellar tendon health analysis capabilities

Springbok recently released its new patellar and Achilles tendon analysis, which can be conducted alongside or separate from a Springbok muscle scan. This new analysis unlocks precision tracking of tendon morphology and the surrounding musculature in the knee and ankle.

Tendon injuries are both common and very serious for elite athletes and high performers, but to date, how we have been able to accurately assess tendon health has been limited.

Typical methods today rely on ultrasound imaging with one or two measurements that have been identified as key factors of tendon health: thickness and cross-sectional area (CSA). One issue with ultrasound is the high variability between operators. So much so that many professional sports organizations wait for a preferred operator to travel in to take care of their athletes.

As we set out to build this new standardized tendon analysis, the challenge was balancing levels of image resolution without increasing imaging (MRI) time to obtain these precise metrics for the the Achilles and patellar tendon.

We developed a method to obtain objective, repeatable data all from a simple add-on to our rapid muscle scan. This enables teams to get a total picture of the MSK health: surrounding musculature plus full tendon quantification within a single imaging session.

We are unlocking better tracking of tendon health change over time that isn't operator dependent. This reduced variability allows for changes to be more quickly visualized and flagged for preventive and proactive health interventions.

What is a Springbok tendon analysis?

Springbok muscle analysis (left) and Achilles tendon analysis (right)
Achilles tendon analytics

This product will offer a never-before-seen analysis on the Achilles and patellar tendon, which includes:

  • A novel Springbok Scan protocol exclusive to the Achilles and patellar tendons (and completed with our muscle scan in a 15 minute time slot)
  • An in-app 3D visualization of each tendon and their respective structures.
  • Advanced cross-sectional area visualizations.
  • An option to receive a unique static report of the analysis.
  • Raw export of data.

What do we measure?

Through a rapid and non-invasive MRI, we are able to calculate precise metrics and visualizations for:

  • Tendon length (raw & anatomical)
  • Tendon volume (total)
  • Tendon cross-sectional area (along the tendon length & max/min/avg)
  • Tendon width (max/min/avg)
  • Tendon thickness (max/min/avg)

Real-world use case: ruptured patellar tendon

About: Elite female athlete suffered a ruptured patellar tendon in the left knee and obtained a Springbok analysis five months post injury to monitor and inform targeted rehab.

Due to metal-and graft-related imaging artefact, the left patellar tendon could not be visualized. However, the broader impact of this injury on the surrounding musculature and Achilles tendon inflammation is presented.

Springbok muscle analysis (left) and Achilles tendon analysis (right)
Springbok muscle asymmetry legend

Metrics for  musculature surrounding the patellar tendon, as well as Achilles tendon analytics:

  • Vastus lateralis 8.5% smaller in LEFT limb (injured knee)
  • Vastus medialis 7.0% smaller in LEFT limb (injured knee)
  • Average cross-sectional area across the Achilles tendon was 20.1% smaller in the LEFT limb (injured limb)

Springbok tendon analysis

What the scan showed: The Springbok analysis revealed residual imbalances in specific quadricep muscles, with the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis being notably smaller in the previously injured leg. As a reminder, the patellar tendon could not be visualized due to metal-and graft-related imaging artefact, but analysis of the Achilles tendon showed a difference in the cross-sectional area between limbs. Her care team adjusted her training to mitigate potential risk associated with changes in its morphology.

Real-world use case: knee pain

About: During baseline team screening, the organization flagged this athlete with tendon morphology asymmetries. A few weeks later, the athlete presented with new knee pain.

Analysis of the surrounding musculature revealed numerous highly developed muscles in the thighs with the greatest development on the right leg. Despite variations in muscle volume, there were no musculature asymmetries identified outside of normal bounds. Patellar tendon analysis revealed further insight into the athlete reported knee pain.

While not diagnostic, tendinopathies are generally associated with increases in tendon thickness and cross-sectional area, and sports teams use this data to prompt or flag closer monitoring of athletes.

Springbok muscle size analysis (left) and patellar tendon analysis (right)
Springbok muscle size score legend

Metrics for surrounding musculature & patellar tendon:

  • While there is increased development in the right thigh musculature, the asymmetry between the left and right side fell within normally observed bounds (for both individual and group level).
  • No notable differences in patellar tendon thickness.
  • Average cross-sectional area of the patellar free tendon was 15.5% larger in RIGHT limb.

Springbok tendon analysis

What the scan showed: Despite the absence of notable thigh muscle asymmetries, discrepancies in the patellar tendon cross-sectional area were revealed by the Springbok analysis. This was confirmed by the care team to align with athlete-reported knee pain on the right side. As such, the care team adjusted his training to mitigate potential risk associated with changes in its morphology.

It is important to note that this Springbok analysis is an in-depth analysis of a subject’s tendon morphology and is not intended to be used for diagnostic purposes. This product is not designed to and will not predict injury. Clients who receive this data have the freedom to utilize this data as they see fit.

For both the Achilles and patellar tendon, this new Springbok analysis offers:

• A rapid imaging process – minimal scan time

• Cross-sectional area measured along the tendon length

• Presented alongside surrounding musculature

• Precision tracking of Achilles and patellar tendon morphology

To learn more about our tendon analysis capabilities, please contact us here.