Our technology transforms standard, 2D MRI data into detailed and personalized 3D muscle visualizations.
Our rapid imaging sequence and AI-based analysis reveals a complete view of musculoskeletal health, precisely quantifying individual muscle size, left-right asymmetries, and intramuscular fat infiltration, as well as scar tissue, edema, and tendon morphology.
“Springbok’s technology identifies and measures changes in muscle attributes (volume and fat fraction) over time, which enables pharmaceutical companies to better evaluate the efficacy of their drug treatments for a wide range of muscle-degenerating conditions, as well as better tailor treatment protocols.”
“An NFL player had seemingly recovered fully from a hamstring injury, but his scan indicated that, instead, two of the three muscles in the hamstring group had over-developed in compensation while the injured one remained comparatively small and prone to injury — there’s a reason hamstring have high injury recurrence rates.”
“Artificial intelligence (AI) will be pivotal in the next stage of development and Springbok Analytics is at the forefront of this evolution. The company uses AI to transform complex MRI data into an exact 3D visualisation of an individual’s musculature – effectively creating a digital twin that can be used to optimise treatment for athletes. What previously took several weeks to do now only takes an hour.”
Individuals get a rapid MRI leveraging readily available sequences. A Springbok lower extremity scan can be completed in less than 15 minutes, and a full body scan takes under one hour.
Once your scan is complete, de-identified images are uploaded to our secure server, processed by our AI-based software, and reviewed for quality.
Your personalized Springbok report (with full 3D muscle visualizations and comprehensive data) is uploaded to our interactive viewer for review and analysis.
Springbok’s technology identifies and measures changes in muscle attributes (volume and fat fraction) over time, which enables pharmaceutical companies to better evaluate the efficacy of their drug treatments for a wide range of muscle-degenerating conditions, as well as better tailor treatment protocols.
Springbok enhances injury assessment and recovery science, return-to-play decision making, personalized training, and sport-specific knowledge of muscular composition. By revealing a novel, inside-view of muscles and the MSK system, Springbok enables more informed decisions regarding athlete performance.
Springbok enables the baseline and longitudinal tracking of muscle health for the general population, offering insights that inform more personalized health and wellness interventions to improve quality of life. Integration of Springbok’s technology in the healthy aging and sports sectors is fundamental to achieving precision healthcare.